Showing 1-15 of 139 Books

A guide to help you gain insight on what to ask your doctor and healthcare team...

Health Advocacy, Medical Justice Shantana Maye
A is for Activist is an ABC board book for the next generation of...
Children's Books, Social Justice Innosanto Nagara

A Journal to inspire and encourage you as you travel through your health and wellness journey....

Health Advocacy, Journals and Workbooks Shantana Maye

The pain of infertility hurts worse than the pain of delivering a baby; the author has experienced both. Sharing encouragement...

Nonfiction, Religious Evangeline Colbert

A Tale of Two Daddiesย is a playground conversation between two children. The boy says he heard that the girl...

Children's Books, LGBTQIA+ Vanita Oelschlager

A Tale of Two Mommiesย is a beach conversation among three children. One boy asks another boy about having two...

Children's Books, LGBTQIA+ Vanita Oelschlager

A "powerful and indispensable book" on the devastating consequences of environmental racism--and what we can do to remedy its toxic...

Medical Justice, Nonfiction, Social Justice Harriet A. Washington

Now-a-days many children are born through egg donation. This touching story of how a happy couple of rabbits have their...

Children's Books, Egg Donation Carmen Martinez Jover

An uplifting and empowering illustrated anthology of joyful contributions from 52 contemporary Black voices, including chess grandmaster Maurice Ashley,...

Adoption, Children's Books Jamia Wilson

There are oh so many things a mom loves about her young child. But most of all, she just loves...

Children's Books LeUyen Pham

When Stephanie O'Hara was experiencing her first miscarriage, she went to a popular retail chain to find a book that...

Memoir, Nonfiction Stephanie O'Hara

Be who you are!
Be proud of where you're from.
Be a different color. Speak your language.

Children's Books Todd Parr

In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic and compelling...

Memoir, Nonfiction Michelle Obama
Welcome to the Big Girls Book Club, where only one rule applies: members must...
Fiction Carl Weber
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