Techno Stuff and Today’s Booktalk

So, I’ve been toying around for a couple months now with moving The Egg to WordPress.  Today, that really took on a lot of my brainpower and I neglected to provide you guys with the video!  Sorry. It’s done, so I’m gonna add it, but know that in a few weeks or so,..we might be moving, so get yourself a movin buddy!  You can help me choose where to stay by previewing the BBE’s dummy site on wordpress    and leaving me a comment here!

Alright, on to other things.  What are you doing tomorrow?
I’ll tell you what you’re doing.
You’re stopping by Twitter and posting a tweet with #infertility in it to help us make it a trending topic!
See, I know that, and I’m not even psychic!
The importance of social marketing and media is amazing.  It really is much more than the narcissistic blab that people accuse it of being.  When used correctly, social networking is a really awesome way to get the word out about important things to a HUGE audience.  It forces companies and groups to get straight to the main idea and allows people to gently suggest great things for friends and family to be a part of.  So, join the campaign!
Here’s some info on how it came to be – The Campaign for #Infertility
And a button to share if you’re participating!

Alright, so, aside from all that, the booktalk today is a sensitive one.   I decided to talk about “Something Happened” by Cathy Blanford.  The book deals with talking to children about pregnancy and infant loss.  i know how sensitive a subject this is, so it terrified me, but I did want to definitely share it.  So here’s my vid.  Also, visit the book’s website to learn more about it:

Something Happened: A book for children and parents who have experienced pregnancy loss. Western Springs, IL.: 2008. Print.


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