Take a Girlfriend to the Gyne Day

So, I’ve been thinking about this movement for a few weeks now, but was even MORE impassioned about it yesterday when visiting the doctor’s office with a friend.  I planned to write out my response and feelings, but I knew it would be a rather lengthy post.  So I videotaped it instead, and unfortunately, it STILL ended up pretty lengthy, but at least you can listen and not read. (See, I’m always thinking bout’chaSmiley )   I can’t wait to hear your responses.

Here are some pictures I snagged while at the hospital, to prove what I say in the video.


1 thought on “Take a Girlfriend to the Gyne Day”

  1. I didn’t want this post to go comment-less..

    Your stories go a long way to explain why health outcomes for low-income people with chronic disease (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) are so poor. Knowing that these various indignities are waiting for people, it’s so understandable why they would put off seeing a doc. And there is no hope for health education or monitoring. Of course IF is even further down the list for practitioners who are geared toward acute life-and-death situations.

    Thanks for posting. Bringing a friend is a great idea. BTW, good luck with the new website!

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