A Week of What IF’s…A National Infertility Awareness Week Journey

Week of What Ifs

One of the most clever infertility acronyms to me, is IF(InFertility). So many times we find ourselves saying it to the universe.

If I could just get pregnant on my own…

If I just had the money to…

If that specialist would only take my insurance…

If. We put so much weight on those two little letters. We wrap up the idea of hope into them, and we wish they were actually as powerful as they appeared to be.

I began preparing early this year for National Infertility Awareness Week, after having been through the most tumultuous year in my infertility journey ever. I was sad and angry and frustrated and feeling powerless. Then that word started to swirl around in my head again.


The more I thought about that word, the more conversations started to bubble in my mind. The more those conversations started to bubble, the more I started to realize it was actually soothing to allow myself to feel. No matter how good or bad the thoughts were, it was a great sense of relief to be allowed to just think them, and I realized that this year, that’s what I want for myself and for others. The permission to feel, and to let it all out.

So for this NIAW, I’m going to spend the week pondering the many IF’s that infertility has left with me. If you’d like to participate, please feel free to chime in! Drop me an email at regina@thebrokenbrownegg.org or inbox me on the Facebook page: facebook.com/thebrokenbrownegg

What is that nagging IF that you can’t seem to let go of? Positive or negative, just get it out. Allow yourself to feel and grow.

Let’s resolve to be real, this NIAW.

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