Since we were on the topic…

So, yesterday I told you guys about Hostile Cervical Mucus and how it can attack sperm. Well, there are some other battles that poor little sperm has to overcome to try and catch the egg. I know, you could have gone your whole life without knowing any of this, but hey, it is what it is.

In the land of TryingToConcieve, repeated sexual interaction specifically for procreation, can lead to anxiety, which can in turn lead to dryness and discomfort between partners. We’re in the lubricated age, so you’d think that this is a problem that can be easily rectified. However, what I bet you didn’t know was that most lubricants and even saliva(eww) can harm sperm.

Here is a graph provided by INGfertility’s lubrication site showing the decline of viable sperm within 60 minute contact in comparison to other personal lubricants:

So anyway, according to their site, ING believes they have discovered a solution to this problem. It lies within their “miracle lube”, Pre~Seed.

Here’s their breakdown:

Traditional lubricants have been developed to decrease friction or pain during sexual intercourse. Their basic formulations can harm sperm within minutes of contact. Pre~Seed® is the only intimate moisturizer formulated by an Andrologist, based on the physiologic requirements of sperm, so as to provide an environment that will not harm them. A quick review of our ingredients shows how our formula is unique, in using components that provide moisture, but also that ensures sperm encounter an optimal environment.

The site boasts that Pre~Seed is

First and only product allowed to state “safe for use” by couples while trying to conceive
Does not harm sperm, or interfere with fertilization & embryo development as shown in presentations at major medical meetings
Numerous US and International Patents
Contains the plant sugar, arabinogalactan, for antioxidant support of sperm
Internal application is important to mimic and supplement the body’s fluids
Clinical tests in peer-reviewed published studies
Used in and recommended by hundreds of fertility and women’s health clinics – pH balanced to match fertile cervical mucus

Well, call me old-fashioned but I have never been one to just jump at what any website or advertisement states, so I went to our friends over at and discovered that not only had some women used the Pre~Seed lubricant but that some were convinced that the lubricant had in fact aided in their conception!

So, give it a try if it sounds like something you may be interested in, and PLEASE let me know how it works out! Pre~Seed can be purchased online or in select stores. You can also visit the Pre~Seed blog and website. Good luck!

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