Author name: Regina

Regina Townsend is the primary author and founder of TheBrokenBrownEgg. A librarian and writer, Regina's mission is to make people aware and active about the unique concerns of reproductive health in the minority community.

Merry Christmas and Please Don’t Assualt anyone on Jesus’ Birthday Weekend

Merry Christmas!So, its the time of the year where EVERYTHING is about babies.  More importantly, its about one specific baby who came about through a miracle.  Needless to say, its a pretty rough one for those wading through infertility.  All the presents and smiling kid with Santa pics are bound to cause a sniffle or

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The Only Way It is Going to Work

So…in my other life I am a librarian.Librarians fight against a theory called self-censorship.  This is the practice where librarians choose to not purchase or shelve materials that they feel could potentially cause for some challenges by patrons.  For instance, some librarians will deliberately not purchase an award-winning book, because it has profanity in it

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Dear Period…

I can’t stand your bitch ass.You are the unwelcome visitor at my bathroom door.You are the bane of my sexual existance.You are the hypocrisy of reproduction.You are the stank ho that mocks my plans.You have the ability to choose JUST the moment where my hope is highest, to pull the most egregious bullshit. You are

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