New name, new attitude, new push. I want so much to provide an honest and important space. It is so needed that I don’t want to mess up. So, I was spreading the word today about the new web address and a friend of mine actually said something that paused me. She said the new name was a bit sad.
That took me for a loop. I had thought and thought of a quirky, thought-provoking title for the blog for quite some time, and I thought I’d hit the jackpot. To hear that it could possibly be taken the wrong way, stung a bit.
So I thought.
And I thought.
And I thought some more.
And I decided to keep it just the way it was.
Sometimes a cliche can be more poignant than its given credit for. As I thought about the meaning behind the new name, I really did think of the phrase, “To make an omelet, you gotta break a few eggs”. Wow. That really is the truth. Had my life gone the way I expected it to, my husband and I would have a toddler and I would be finishing up my novel while relaxing on our back veranda. His cd would be playing in the background and I would be able to faintly hear the sound of music emitting from his basement studio. However, that dream egg cracked. That may sound harsh, but it made for us to find some most interesting and important yolks in our relationship that I believe has made us better.
These yolks have taken many different forms, but I feel, (and you should too if you’re reading this), that the most important form is the one of service and information. Had our dreams not been stalled, I would NEVER have known the gaping hollow of resources and information regarding African Americans and fertility.
It is truly amazing how God works. If no one had ever experienced wavering sight, no one would have invented glasses. If food had never spoiled, we wouldn’t have refrigerators. If someone hadn’t lost a loved one to cancer, we wouldn’t have so many movements against it. For every sorrow, there is a purpose. In my despair, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to bless others. That’s an omelet I’m proud to be an ingredient of.
So, with all that being said, welcome to The Broken Brown Egg blog. I hope that my struggles and humor and prayers and worship and joy and even sorrow will help you recognize your own omelet making potenti