The Waiting Game – Submitted Anonymously

The following was submitted anonymously by a great and loving friend of mine who graciously shared her story with us. Thank you to my special Broken Brown Eggshell!

The Waiting Game

I am 37 years old, married for 3 years, and we have no children. We have been on the journey towards motherhood for 2 years. I am grateful for my awesome insurance policy… a lot of people complain about HMOs, but I’m one that is grateful. There is the “waiting” game with the HMO but good things come to those who wait. I’ve learned to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to my motherhood journey.

My husband and I became aggressive in the journey to motherhood in Nov. 08. Since then, we have been on a roller coaster ride… and I just say thank you Lord. Referred to an RE that we began seeing in Dec.08 only to learn that the HMO was dropping the clinic from its network in Feb. 09. So after hubby and I complete the necessary testing with the clinic we were faced with another referral for a new RE. We weren’t to excited about it, but by any means necessary. The new RE wanted to do further testing…still awaiting on more test to take.

I can’t say that I’ve been frustrated because I haven’t. I know God is the keeper of time and his time is always perfect. So every time I see a “belly” I whisper “God thank you for showing me what’s to come for us”.

3 thoughts on “The Waiting Game – Submitted Anonymously”

  1. So every time I see a "belly" I whisper "God thank you for showing me what's to come for us".

    This just made me smile. God is always in the mix and always right on time. He is still there, and when it is just the right time for you, he will provide and you will be amazed.

  2. I remember my own walk and one day I received an email from a friend who told me that she was praying over my womb. It was so out of the blue and yet so timely. I remember sobbing and thinking, how did she know? It wasn't anything we discussed.

    God will make a way, catch your attention and bring about a miracle. Stay prayerful and PROACTIVE and I'm sending those very same prayers over your womb.

  3. Anonymous #1 – Oh my goodness is He EVER!

    Anonymous #2 – Thanks! Sometimes there is definitely a ram chillin in that bush. LOL God sends great messages and messengers.

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