Out Now Damned Spot!

I just don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.

– Mr. Garrison – South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut

For me personally, this entire situation sometimes really just pisses me off. I could write a frilly note on how it is frustrating, but more women go through it than myself and that I should just pray and keep moving because God always has a plan.

But since this is MY damn blog, I’m gonna say what I’m thinking…I’m really just pissed.

And it doesn’t even have full issue with the fertility thing. No, its far more simple than that, and yet more upsetting. I suffer from Menorraghia. Menorrhagia is the medical term for excessive bleeding at the time of the menstrual period, either in number of days or amount of blood or both. All those fancy words =
The pissy part is, guess what is used to “cure” this disorder?

Birth control pills, hysterectomy, or a Thermablate Endometrial Ablation System.
So here are your choices: You either bleed excessively so that you are not using prophylactic medicine or surgery that would prohibit you from reproduction and endure blood loss at an excess to the normal 60L which, ALSO prohibits procreation, OR you can take the pill to stop the bleeding and thus STILL prevent procreation. Didn’t hear a winning solution in there? Nah, me either.

There are several causes and symptpms for excessive bleeding,

  • being a young adolescent or pre-menopausal woman *(WTF?)
  • being overweight *(guilty)
  • using certain medications, such as blood thinners
  • having a hereditary bleeding disorder

    The two most common causes of menorrhagia are hormonal imbalance and/or uterine fibroids:
  • Hormonal Imbalance: An imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone is the most common cause of menorrhagia. In order to build up your endometrial lining, your body releases estrogen and progesterone. If these hormones become imbalanced, your endometrium can continue to build up and bleed excessively.
  • Uterine Fibroids: Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that form inside your uterus. These can interfere with your reproductive system, causing irregular bleeding

If I were a betting broad, I would attribute all of my bullshit to being overweight. I really should I guess, it seems to be a condition that affects the hypothyroidism as well as the Menorrhagia…BUT, these symptoms and conditions began over seven years ago, BEFORE I was clinically overweight. But the time it took for these doctors to diagnose me as hypothyroid, wasted valuable time that I could have been pre-advised about the conditions that could occur as a result. So…I basically feel like I’ve been dying for about 7 years because no one has been fully honest with me.

And now…well, Zombies don’t reproduce.


Okay, that was a bit morbid. But I’m just pissed today. So, as with everything else with this blog, I use my devastation and anger as fuel to educate others or at least let someone else out there who may be living the same thing, not feel so alone.

And the studies still think, its the baby boomers hit the hardest…


2 thoughts on “Out Now Damned Spot!”

  1. Hey Gina!

    I totally feel you on the excessive bleeding. And like you said- it's your blog and you have a right and a RESPONSIBILITY to be truthful about how you feel. Although my situation may not be a severe as your seems to be I too experience the excessive bleeding – too many damn days- when AF is visiting. At times it seemed as though I only had one week off between full blown periods. Yep- had that drawn out spotting (hit or miss) and then BAM- the bitch is back again. So I can only imagine how insane it's going to be for me since the failed IVF.

    Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone and God ultimately has a plan for your reproductive health.

    Luv ya' sis!

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