20 Reasons to be okay with not being pregnant or having a baby right now…

…because sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

20. I can drink as much as I want.
19. I don’t have to cut up anyone else’s chicken tenders at the dinner table.
18. I can go on vacation and only be responsible for myself.
17. I don’t have to pay for babysitting.
16. Baby clothes can be expensive.
15. I’m not good at styling children’s hair.
14. I can drink as much as I want.
13. I forget to eat breakfast myself half the time, I’m pretty sure a toddler wouldn’t find that too great.
12. I don’t have to “make sure the kids are asleep”. LOL
11. I can drink as much as I want.
10.I’m not focused enough to remember my own schedules and appointments…
9. I can spoil my niece to the point of no return…and then take her home.
8. At church, I can pay FULL attention.
7. If my husband and I choose to stay in the house on all “family” holidays, no one complains that we didn’t bring over their Snookums.
6. No backwash in my soda cans.
5. I can afford to spoil my dog. (Shout out to Sasha!) LOL
4. I don’t have to put those annoying plastic plugs in all my sockets or round off the edges of my tables and desks….
3. I can drink as much alcohol as I want.
2. I don’t have to struggle with car seats and Snugli’s when I want to run into the store for a second.
1. It gives me a reason to hope and something to anticipate…

And despite all those reasons…its still something I want more than anything. As I told a friend earlier tonight, infertility and its ups and downs are the true Alanis Morrisette-onies of life.

3 thoughts on “20 Reasons to be okay with not being pregnant or having a baby right now…”

  1. LOL OH YES! All those "litte too ironic" moments. I had a friend who saw the Dear God post and replied to me, "Yeah, I think God put my uterus in some 18 year old with no job, five boyfriends and a bad attitude". A bit harsh, but ironic nonetheless. LOL

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