Representation Matters

I See You, Sis.

The Broken Brown Egg exists to empower, inform, and advocate for those questioning or experiencing the impact of infertility, with an emphasis on the Black experience of it.

Infertility is bigger than babies.

It’s time to talk about it.

Representation Matters.

Infertility doesn’t see color.  True.

However, my color influences how I experience it.  From the imagery on marketing, to the messaging from culture and society, all the way to the advocates and activists who carry its banner.

In this often isolating and emotionally draining journey, it can be a much-needed encouragement to see someone who reflects you.

I’m Regina, and I work to help provide that reflection.

Coming Events

June 2025
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I haven’t made it through more than this post yet because I’m crying too hard, but I just wanted to thank you. I haven’t been able to bring myself to discuss this, let alone even say the word infertile, with anyone but my husband but there’s a limit to what he’ll understand. I’ve looked through TTC blogs and couldn’t bring myself to join because it just didn’t feel right. I’ve felt so alone through all this. Finding your blog, and someone who understands exactly where I am and where I’m coming from, has been the first thing to give me hope I can make it through this process. So even if it’s not nearly as transparent as it may seem to us, it’s been transparent enough to help me at least.
Anonymous Poster

What i hope you Find Here



Sooo, not only will you find some honest experiences here, but also empowerment. If you're a journalist or researcher looking for honest voices, contact me, and I'll try to connect you to others who wish to share!


Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. Other times, you just need to laugh. I believe both is fair. LOL

Permission to feel

Angry? Irritated? Not sure how you're feeling, but pretty sure it's suck-adjacent? Cool. You're not alone. The Egg is a no-judgement zone.


One of the most valuable things we can find on this journey is simply someone who "gets it".


The infertility community is one of the kindest, most empathetic, and supportive there is. If you're feeling alone, and hoping to find connection, I can try to help.


Above all else, the primary reason I started The Egg was to provide representation of a Black woman's experience of infertility. That said, please know it isn't EVERY Black woman's experience. If anything, use this site as a catalyst to help you find your own voice, or encourage you to listen for others.

I got your back.

As the BBE began as primarily a personal blog, I hope you're able to find some comfort here. I feel like it goes without saying, but just in case it doesn't, under no circumstances should the information here be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Unless otherwise noted, any and all opinions are the author's own.

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