I believe that we do our daughters a disservice by NOT making it plain that pregnancy is not something that comes easy for EVERYONE.
I believe that it is a problem that most organizations that say they are for Reproductive Justice and Black Women are referring to CONTRAception and not CONception.
I believe that infertility should NOT be a taboo, as current statistics state that:
- 6,000,000 women deal with infertility
- 2,000,000 married couples are infertile
I believe that we as a culture should do more to try and reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies that exist and bring some much needed support to the vast amount of African-American adults struggling with infertility/miscarriage/prematurity.
I believe African-Americans should receive MORE information and support regarding Foster Care, Adoption, and Assisted Reproductive Technology.
I believe that others should believe these things too.
Don’t you?
There are times when the progress of this organization and blog distract me from my own battle.
I’m grateful for that.
But just in case you haven’t heard me rant in a while…I have to say,…this thing sucks.
Which is precisely what fuels me in raising the war cry about it.
With that many people affected by this condition…not ONE of us should be lonely. Not by a long-shot.