So, I told you guys a while ago that I was toying with the idea of packing up The Egg and moving to our own server and host.

Well, thanks to some great supportive prodding…I’ve taken the plunge.
SO, things are a bit wonky as I unpack and decorate the new place. (I’m learning blog design as I go…)
ALL the posts will stay up during the move, so no worries there. Keep Reading!
In case you haven’t noticed, our new and fresh Egg is housed at www.thebrokenbrownegg.org
Feel free to look around the new digs…please pardon our dust.
Thanks SO much for being a supporter of The BrokenBrown, it means more to me than you know!

Hey Gina. Gave you a shoutout on your becoming a finalist: http://rainbowsanddragonflies.wordpress.com/2010/08/02/congrats-to-the-broken-brown-egg/