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Angel Wings: My Story of Love, Faith, Infertility, Surrogacy and Not Giving Up Hope

 Author: Stephanie O'Hara  Category: Memoir, Nonfiction  Publisher: Plum Bay Publishing, LLC  Published: 2020  ISBN: 9781734884807  Pages: 248 More Details

When Stephanie O’Hara was experiencing her first miscarriage, she went to a popular retail chain to find a book that would comfort, encourage and support her. When she asked he store clerk for the section on Infertility and Miscarriages, she gave Stephanie a blank stare and told her it was “an odd request”. She was shocked, especially when she learned about the number of women who were sharing the same struggle. For anyone who needs a friend to lean on while she is experiencing the loneliness and anxiety associated with overcoming infertility, Angel Wings is Stephanie’s gift to you.

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